First thing, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
So, being a new year and all, I thought I would start it off outside my comfort zone. I'm not a baker by nature...not even close. I'm more of a fly by the seat of my pants, whip open the fridge, toss a few things together and voila! A masterpiece! It really just suits my life better than the precise art of baking. If I do decide to bake, it has to be simple, fast, and Ashley proof. Plus, it must be malleable to my mood. Sometimes I don't want chocolate chips...even though that's extremely rare.
Luckily, this recipe is just a few simple ingredients, that come together and make something "homemade." I use quotes because the dough is clearly made by that cute, little Pillsbury Dough boy. He's such a nice boy. :) If you aren't a fan of crescent dough, I imagine you could use a few sheets of filo dough with this recipe. Just make smaller logs; since it's more delicate and this filling is pretty creamy.
If you are anything like me and you prefer recipes that can easily change to your taste, this one is for you! It would be super simple to swap out the sugar for juice for lemon...chocolate chips for dried/fresh fruit...and so on...
Make it to your taste and I'm sure it will be lovely! GO NUTS! Ohh...nuts would be great in this too!!
Easy Cheese Danish
1 Pillsbury Crescent Roll Sheet
1 Package Cream Cheese Softened
1/2 c Orange Juice
1/4 c Whipping Cream (or milk)
1 T orange zest
2 T of powdered sugar
About a handful of Chocolate Chips
...and anything else you might want to add in!
Heat oven to 400 degrees.

In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, orange juice, whipping cream, orange zest and sugar. I used my mixer, just popped it on high, and let it whip away. You want this filling creamy, but not runny. It should be spreadable.
Once the filling is ready, roll out the crescent sheet onto a
Large+Round+Stone from The Pampered Chef. You can really use any of the stoneware for this recipe, but it needs to be large enough for the roll. The
Large+Bar+Pan would be perfect too. Leave about a 4 inch strip in the center of the dough and make even slices in the dough, on both sides. You can make them thick or thin, and really get creative here. I just went with a simple approach...since it's really all I'm capable of...

Now spread the filling down the center of the dough and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Fold the sides over each other and press gently to secure. You can certainly braid it or twist as well. This would certainly make it more festive.
Bake for about 12 minutes and begin to check it; just because ovens vary. You want the entire top golden brown and the bottom crispy.
Let this rest for about 15 minutes before slicing. You want to cheese to cool off and not run our the sides when serving. I used my
Pizza+Cutter to slice up the danish and it worked really well.
Serve up and enjoy!